Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

proposal _ the vocabulary learning strategies

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the vocabulary learning strategies 

By :
Arief Tristian


This chapter consist of background, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, purpose of the problem, and significance research.

A.       Background of the Study
      The existence of English asan international language is very important, because someone is expected to be able to communicate well and look for knowledge for other countries. In other words, we can get new experience by learning English as a new language that help us having interaction with people from other countries.
          English as means of communication has two different function. The first is English in informal communication, it means that the usage of English in daily activity, for example if we speak English with other people in our daily life the second one is English in formal communication, it means that the usage of English in educational system such as kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, up to the University and Business Communication. We also recognize that the form of language as oral and written. Oral language is used to express our ideas spontaneously, so the other people understand what we tell directly, for example speaking. Written language is the form of language that is written in piece of paper, for example writing article.
For Indonesia education especially teaching English According to English Syllabus of School Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) that is declined in 2006, teaching and learning English in junior high school should be based on the stress of four language skills, those are listening, speaking, reading and writing . To master English learning, students must pay attention to manyaspects of language knowledge (grammatical structure, vocabulary, and so on) inorder to reach a high degree of competence in English. And one of the mostimportant aspects is vocabulary, which plays a great role in English learners’comprehension.
Scrivener (1994) has drawn attention to the fact that vocabulary is apowerful carrier of meaning. English learners often manage to communicate inEnglish by using the accumulative meaning of each single word. A learner who says“Yesterday. Go disco. And friends. Dancing.” will almost certainly get much ofhis/her message over despite completely avoiding grammar - the meaning isconveyed by the vocabulary alone. On the other hand, a good grammaticalknowledge may not be such a powerful tool. “I wonder if you could lend me your.....” means a little without a word to fill the gap, whereas the gapped wordcalculator is essential. A learner, thus, who recognizes the communicative power ofvocabulary, might reasonably aim to acquire a working knowledge of a large numberof words - the more words they have, the more precisely they can express the exactmeanings they want to. Turning to Rubin and Thompson (1994), they find thatvocabulary learning is the heart of mastering a foreign language, since one cannotspeak, understand, read, or write a foreign language without knowing a lot of words.
Similarly, Schmitt and McCarthy (1997) points out that vocabularylearning has been regarded as one of the most important parts in a second or foreign language acquisition. Along with the growth of interest in vocabulary acquisition, alot of research has been done in the field of second language acquisition in the lastfew decades. A lot of the research supports the idea that the more vocabulary word learners use, the greater learners’ language learning success will be.
Strategies are used by second language learners for the acquisition of new words in the second language are called “ vocabulary learning strategies” (Gu, 1994). Whereas, language learning strategies (LLSs) are sub category of general learning strategies and vocabulary learning strategies ( Nation, 2001).
Vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) are steps taken by the language learners to acquire new English words. There are a wide range of different vocabulary learning strategies as demonstrated by the classification of vocabulary learning strategies are proposed by different researcher ( Stuffer, 1995 ; Nation, 2001 ; and Gu, 2003). In addition, there is a wide ranging inventory of vocabulary learning strategies develop by Schmit in 1997. While a variety of definitions of the vocabulary learning strategies have been suggested, this study has applied the definition that is suggested by Schmitt (1997).
For the research that uses the vocabulary learning strategies to describe the technique is expected to help the trouble to learn Vocabulary especially for the second gradestudents. The importance of vocabulary knowledge to school success, in general, and reading comprehension, in particular, is widely documented. (Becker, 1977; Anderson & Nagy, 1991).
There are numerous different classification systems for vocabulary learningstrategies. Several common used are listed at the following. Gu and Johnson (1996) developed a classification of vocabulary learning strategies that are beliefs about vocabulary learning, metacognitive regulation, guessing strategies, dictionary strategies, note-taking strategies, memory strategies (rehearsal), memory strategies (encoding) and activation strategies. Schmitt (1997) took advantage of Rebecca Oxford’s (1990, p.14) classification of learning strategies containing memory strategies, cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, and social strategies, and the Discover/Consolidation distinctions suggested by Cook and Mayer to propose an extensive taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies. It can be divided into two classes. Five groups are included in these two classes. First, strategy are used for the discovery of a new word’s meaning. In this strategy consist of  Determination strategies (DET): the strategies are used to discover a new word’s meaning without recourse to another’s expertise when learners don’t know a word and Social strategies (SOC): the strategies are employed to ask someone who knows. Second, strategies are used for consolidating a word once it has been encoutered which consist of Social strategies (SOC): they can also be employed to consolidate learned words by interacting with other people like studying and practicing meaning in a group,Memory strategies (MEM): the strategies (traditionally known as mnemonics) involve connecting the word to be retained with some previously learned knowledge, using some form of imagery, or grouping. Kind of this strategy are Picture/imagery, Related words, Unrelated words, Grouping, Word’s orthographical or phonological form, Other memory strategies such as Cognitive strategies (COG):The strategies are similar to memory strategies, but are not focused so specifically on manipulative mental processing andMetacognitive strategies (MET): Students used the strategies to control and evaluate their learning, behaving an overview of the learning process in general.

B.       Identification of the Problem
Vocabulary is one of important thing in learning English as a foreign language, it means that to learn English skill  (speaking, listening, and reading) students must mastery in vocabulary. But it can be denied that the students’ problem in vocabulary is very serious. The students are not motivated to enrich their vocabulary.Most of them were afraid to ask the points that they did not understand to the teacher. This situation made the students passive in their learning process. The students enthusiasm was much related to the strategies used by the teacher in transferring the lesson. The students  would become not interested in learning if the strategies used was  monotonous.They can’t accept the explanation of the teacher because they didn’t understand about the teacher speech. Knowing this problem, the teacher give the strategies to learn vocabulary. That is why some strategies such as, Determination strategies (DET), Social strategies (SOC), Memory strategies (MEM), Cognitive strategies (COG), Metacognitive strategies (MET) are required to help students learn vocabulary.
C.       Limitation of The Problem
This research is focus in good research quality in this research. And the limitation problems here there are follow: Strategy of learning vocabulary there are Determination strategies (DET), Social strategies (SOC), Memory strategies (MEM), Cognitive strategies (COG), Metacognitive strategies (MET).

D.       Formulation of The Problem
The problem of this research can be formulated as follows :
1.      What kinds of the vocabulary learning strategies used by  the seven grade students of SMPN 1 Mojo?
2.      What is the dominant vocabulary learning strategies used by the students?

E.       Purpose of The Research
Based on the formulation above, the purpose of this research is :
1.      To know and describe the vocabulary learning strategies applied by  the seven grade students of SMPN 1 Mojo.
2.      To know  the dominant vocabulary learning strategies used by the students.

F.        Significant of The Research
It is expected that the result of the study will give some benefits for the teacher, the researcher,  and the other researches :
Ë The Teacher
It can improve the teacher knowledge about many stategy in teaching vocabulary and the teacher can applied the strategy in teaching process.
Ë The students
The students will try to enrich their vocabulary. It will help them to learn English skill easily.
Ë The Researcher
The result will be useful to improve the knowledge about vocabulary learning strategy
Ë Other researcher
This research is hopefully is able to provide the other researcher with some new knowledge about the vocabulary learning strategy of the student.  

G.      Definition Of Key Term
1.      Definition of learning strategy
Weinstein and Mayer in Witrock (1986) have coined one definition  of learning strategies as "behaviors and thoughts that a learner engages in during learning and that are intended to influence the learner's encoding process."
2.      Definition of vocabulary
Scrivener (1994) has drawn attention to the fact that vocabulary is a powerful carrier of meaning.
3.      Definition of vocabulary learning strategies
Vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) are steps taken by the language learners to acquire new English words.(Stoffer, 1995; Nation, 2001; and Gu, 2003)

A.    Theoretical framework
1.      The definition of  learning strategy
 Learning strategies seem to be "tricks" learners to  help them remember things better or to do tasks more efficiently.  Several researchers have studied what learning  strategies are and why they are effective in the learning process.
          Oxford (1990) takes us to a definition which breaks the term learning strategies down to its roots--the word  strategy.  She informs us that this word comes from the Greek word 'strategia' which means generalship or the art  of war.  Strategy meant the management of the troops, ships, or aircraft in a war situation.  She points out a similar word tactics which are tools to achieve the success of  strategies.  These two words, used interchangeably mean planning, competition, conscious manipulation, and movement toward a goal. In a problem solving situation, it would  imply "using a plan, step or conscious action toward achievement of an objective."  Oxford continues to expand on this definition by stating that "learning strategies are specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferrable to new situations."
          Weinstein and Mayer in Witrock (1986) have coined one definition  of learning strategies as "behaviors and thoughts that a learner engages in during learning and that are intended to influence the learner's encoding process."  They go on to state various learning strategies that could be used with learners.
          Nisbet and Shucksmith (1986) define learning strategies simply as "the processes that underlie performance  always purposeful and goal-oriented, but they are perhaps not always carried out at a consciousor deliberate level.  They can be lengthy or so rapid in execution that it is impossible to recapture, recall, or even be aware that one has used a strategy." They move toward a metacognitive approach to strategy use and learning.  They believe that since not all learning strategies are equal in terms of usability and ease of acquistion, there exists a hierarchy of strategies which are related to metacognition , or knowledge of one's own mental processes.
Masters, Mori, and Mori (1993) move toward a definition ofcognitive strategies rather than the term learning strategies.They refer to a definition of cognitive strategies coined by Alley and Deshler (1979, in Masters, Mori, and Mori) as "techniques, principles, or rules that will faciltiate the acquisition,manipulation, integration, storage, and retrieval of informationacross situations and settings."  They go on to say that "cognitivestrategies are a fundamental part of the process of acquiringknowledge as well as the tool skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening, note taking, questioning, vocabulary acquisiton, timemanagement, reasoning, problem solving, and memorization."

2.      The Definition of social strategies
The most well-know division of learning strategies is the one of American
teacher and writer, Rebecca Oxford, who separates them into direct and indirect.Those
that contribute directly to learning are closely related to the subject matter (memory, cognitive and compensation strategies) and those which are essential to language
learning nonetheless, but do not directly involve the subject matter itself
(metacognitive, affective and social strategies). She enumerates eleven fundamental
features of language learning strategies (1990:9): 
1. They contribute to the main goal, communicative competence.
2. Allow students to become more self-directed.
3. Expand the role of teachers.
4. Are problem oriented.
5. They are specific actions taken by the students.
6. Involve many aspects of the student, not just cognitive.
7. Support learning, both directly and indirectly.
8. Are not always conscious.
9. Can be taught.
10. Are flexible.
11. Are influenced by a variety of factors.

In social strategies, students deliberately seek opportunities to practice their
knowledge and to be exposed to the target language (i.e. they try to speak with native
speakers in order to practise the language, listen to radio, watch films or TV, read
books in English, etc.). Social and affective strategies are of paramount importance, 
as they involve student’s whole person and the learning process is very close 
to acquisition. It could be misleading to think that social strategies are used only 
for listening and speaking, they are helpful and indeed essential to all four language
skills (Oxford, 1990:168).

Oxford explains the importance of social strategies in foreign language teaching
by her definition of language as “a form of social behaviour; it is communication, and
communication occurs between and among people. Learning a language thus involves
other people, and appropriate social strategies are very important in this
process.”(Oxford, 1990:144)  .
B.     Rationale
Sometimes people mistakenly think that social strategies are used only for listening and speaking, but social strategies are helpful and indeed essential to all four language skill.
`Asking question, this set of strategies includes both asking for clarification or verification and asking for correction. These two strategies are used differently in the four skill areas. In listening and reading, asking question for clarification or verification is used more often than asking for correction. In speaking and writing, asking for correction is more
Cooperating with others because language in all its aspects is a social act, cooperating with other people is essential. This cooperation requires that the learner interact well with both peers and more proficient language users. Some of the actions mentioned here under cooperating are similar to those in chapter 3 under the cognitive strategy of practicing naturalistically.
Empathizing with others, understanding and producing the new language involves empathy with other people, especially with individuals from the target culture.

In this chapter the researcher discuses all things about the research methodology related to the content of this research, they are identification of the research variable, technique and research approach, place and time of the research, population and sample, research instrument and technique of collecting the data, technique of of analyzing the data.

A.    Identification of the research variable
            In every research, it is important to know the variable that is going to be observed. According to Arikunto (2010 : 161) states :
            “ Variabel adalah objek penelitian, atau apa yang menjadi titik perhatian suatu penelitian.”Based on the statement above, variable is something that is observed by researcher.
            According to Sugiono ( 2012 : 39 ) stated that variabel bebas atau variabel independen adalah variabel yang mempengaruhi atau yang menjadi sebab perubahannya atau timbulnya variabel dependen atau terikat. It seems that independent variable can influence dependent variable.
            Another one, Sugiono (2008:39) stated that variabel terikat merupakan variabel yang dipengaruhi atau yang menjadi akibat karena adanya variabel bebas. Based on the statement above, dependent variable is variable that can be resulted by independent variable. There is only one variable in this research, that is the vocabulary learning strategies as independent variable.

B.     Technique and research approach

1.      Technique of the research
In this study, researcher use  descriptive research. According to Arikunto      (2010 : 3) explains, “ Penelitian deskriptif adalah penelitian yang dimaksudkan untuk menyelidiki keadaan, kondisi atau hal-hal lain yang sudah disebutkan, yang hasilnya dipaparkan dalam bentuk laporan penelitian.” It means that descriptive research is a research to observe the existing condition.

2.      Research approach
In this study, the researcher use quantitative approach.Sugionoexplains that”Data kuantitatif adalah data yang berbentuk angka, atau data kualitatif yang diangkakan.” It means that quantitative data is data which is scoring.
C.    Place and time of the research

1.      Place of the research
This research will take place in SMPN I MOJO KEDIRI.

2.      Time of the research
The arrangement of time schedule is very important in holding the research since it will determine how long the research will be held. In this research the writer will hold the research on July 2013.

D.    Population and sample

1.      Population
Connecting with the population of the research, it is better if writer know the meaning of population first. According to Sugiyono (2010:80) state, “ Populasi adalah wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri atas obyek atau subyek yang mempunyai kualitas dan karakteristik tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti untuk dipelajari dan kemudian ditarik kesimpulannya.” Based on the statement above the writer know that population is the object of the research.The writer choose the seven grade students of SMPN I MOJO.

2.      Sample
Sugiyono (2010:81) states that sample is a part of the amount and the characteristic of the population.The sample of the research are 40 students of the seven grade of SMPN I Mojo. Here, the writer use simple random sampling. In this technique researcher give the same chance to every subject to be a sample.

E.     Research instrument and technique of collecting the data

1.      The development of instrument
The instrument used to get the data is questionnaire. According to Arikunto (2010:194) “ Kuesioner adalah sejumlah pertanyaan tertulis yang digunakan untuk memperoleh informasi dari responden dalam arti laporan tentang pribadi, atau hal-hal yang ia ketahui.” In this research, the writer use closed questionnaire to get the data.

Scoring technique of the instrument is the respondent just choose the number 0 up to 4. The meaning of every single number are:
0 = if the respondent not use the strategy at all
1 = if the respondent use the strategy 25%
2 = if the respondent use the strategy 50%
3 = if the respondent use the strategy 75%
4 = if the respondent use the strategy 100%

2.      Technique of collecting the data
In this research, the technique of the data collection that the writer use is closed questionnaire. The writer collects the data by giving questions which is provided with the answes so that respondent can choose the answer directly.

F.     Technique of of analyzing the data

To analyze the data from the questionnaire instrument,  the writer pay attention to the check list of every column which has different score. Next, multiply the frequency in every column with the score, then added up. Finally, it is obtained the score for each item of the question. To know the final rank of the score of the items, the amount must be divided with the amount of the respondent who answer the questionnaire.

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